About Us
Over twenty five years as an industry leader in live-web communications
Spanning the globe with over 200 million visitors per month and 80 million ads per day, we provide a platform for people to discover new kinds of interactive content through live video and chat services. Our size and scale stretches across every continent, delivering powerful technology to enhance your online presence.
The core business of our company has matured since its early days, but the vision and desire to produce the best live video and chat solutions has never wavered. From streaming live video to billing solutions to gamification development, we leverage the latest technology to provide the best digital experience possible.
Craig Miller
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Our Timeline
Revisit 20 years of Growth, Creativity and Innovation:
As one of the first companies invested in the interactive live video and chat services industry, we have been delivering powerful technology to enhance global communication for more than 20 years. Experience our journey on the timeline below:
Quarter-Century Mark
We hit 25 years in business and we’re still thriving! Launched our Mobile Broadcasting application, which allows broadcasters to stream on the go. We also took the opportunity to restructure some of our divisions to better align them for continued growth and prepare them to capitalize on new opportunities.
WFH and Major Traffic Partners
Right as the world was locking down for the COVID-19 pandemic, we partnered with 2 of the most visited websites in the world to promote our streams. Although challenging, our staff began working from home and managed to keep up with the 60% year over year growth. We also opened up a satellite office in Europe.
Largest Acquisition to Date
After 6 months of negotiation and preparation, we acquired a network of live streaming sites that effectively grew our customer base by 25%.
Awards, Milestones and Growth
A banner year for VS Media as a company, 2018 brought the 10th annual Summit in the stunning Maldives, the expansion of our interactive program to include 2-way capability, and the advent of our SMS service, our own text messaging system, and a revamped mobile interface, adding yet another layer of depth and accessibility to broadcaster/client relations.
100+ Employees and Giving Back
2017 saw further expansion to accommodate our now 100+ employees. We also donated our domain name, Gay.com, to the Los Angeles LGBT Center to help further the health, rights, and equality of the LGBT community in our home state of California.
20 Years in Business!
In honor of our 20 years in online entertainment and video networking, we offered a series of promotions and discounts to our broadcasters and customers.
Major Acquisition + Prague Training Center
After seeing over 100M visitors to our sites combined in a single month, we acquired a large streaming network that helped us double down on growth. We also opened our state-of-the-art broadcaster training center in Prague
Traffic Acquisition, Interactive Device Support
Our Affiliate and Media Buying teams joined forces to create a robust Traffic Acquisition team. On the technology side, we integrated interactive devices into all broadcasts, adding unprecedented depth to the broadcaster/client relationship.
VIP Program Expanded and our Phone service Launched
2013 saw the expansion of our VIP program to include numerous popular membership perks and the launch of our Phone service; a telecommunications service enabling broadcasters to grow and deepen their relationships with clients while not online.
Growing our Mobile Platform
Expanded the reach of our broadcasters with full mobile compatibility and introduced Fan Club support to help them grow and maintain their customer relationships.
Growth and Communication
Our Westlake Village offices were expanded and remodeled to accommodate our growing support and technical staff. We also developed an internal communication system accessible to our clients and partners to keep them informed of all developments as they happened.
Payment Processing and Transaction Upgrades
Purchase options were diversified with the addition of credit-based tipping and one-click billing. The first tip-based Party Chats were transmitted, further enhancing the earning potential for broadcasters.
Move from Java to Flash!
To stay ahead of changing technological developments we redesigned, modernized, and converted from Java to the more versatile Flash. In 2009, we also hosted the first Summit, an all-inclusive luxury retreat for our staff, broadcasters and partners.
Cam2Cam Feature Launched
We introduced our Cam2Cam feature to allow broadcasters to communicate with fans face to face, and also integrated a variety of multi-viewer show types to expand their earning capabilities.
VOD and Messaging
We launched our Video-On-Demand recording software and our on-site messaging system to increase the accessibility and exposure of our broadcasters.
Ten Year Celebration!
We marked our 10th anniversary with a vast expansion of our affiliate program, and a blowout celebration at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills, CA.
Growth and Productivity
Productivity reigned in 2005, as we increased efficiency and accountability on a massive scale with the development of our own internal task-monitoring software.
We launched ground-breaking new features and infrastructure to support multiple free and open streams. Our sites became home to some of the most watched streams on the internet.
New Partners and Studios
As the new millennium began, we welcomed a slew of new partners to our network. Many of these were fledgling studios, and have since grown into the biggest names in online entertainment.
Relocated to Westlake Village, CA
We relocated to Westlake Village, CA, where we recruited some of the best talent in the tech world. These were the minds that would launch our Video Streaming Network, which set the stage for massive changes in online entertainment.
The "Firsts"
With only a year of experience under our belt, we drastically amped up our broadcasting capacity, attended our first industry trade show, and launched what will later become an award winning affiliate program.
Company Founded in Stoughton, MA
Founded in Stoughton, MA, our fledgling broadcasts were streamed from a small New England office. Here, we licensed and customized our first point-to-point software and launched a website to market it.
Tech we use
The right technology for the job
With more than 200 million visitors each month and 80 million ads per day, VS Media provides a platform for new kinds of interactive communication. Through blending cutting edge broadcasting technology with our own state-of-the-art software, we've developed the ultimate live-streaming video and chat experience.
Communicate instantly, with the peace of mind that both the quality and security of your feed are in the best possible hands.

Modern Technology
From software development, to live streaming video and chat, VS Media has the integrated tools and modern technology to provide the best digital experience possible. Instantly go live sharing broadcasts and chat in real-time, with the peace of mind that your privacy and security are taken care of.

Global Scale
Spanning the globe with over 200 million visitors per month and 80 million ads per day, we provide a platform for people to discover new kinds of interactive content through live video and chat services. Our size and scale stretches across every continent, delivering powerful technology to enhance your online presence.

Customer Service
VS Media provides professional one-on-one support anytime you need. No machines or automated systems. We give world-class customer service, troubleshooting, broadcast and technical support 24/7, 365 days a year. Have questions about our products and services? We can help with that too!

We take the highest measures to guard and protect your privacy and security. We'll never stop improving protocols to optimize user experience and safeguard your content.
Company Culture
Working at VS Media
VS Media is a global technology company comprised of a diverse group of talented individuals working to build world-class experiences for customers through out the world.
Teams enjoy a casual environment with modern office amenities and fun perks such as snacks and an endless supply of coffee to power collaborative work sessions through out the day. Flexible schedules help promote a healthy work/life balance. Routine breaks and walks around the tree-lined complex are encouraged. A generous vacation package is available to full-time employees.
VS Media executive leadership team emphasizes a commitment to quality and excellence with all company-wide initiatives. A shared goal through out the company is maintaining a professional and vibrant atmosphere where teams are inspired to ideate, create, and innovate.
Mutual respect and personal accountability are other key company values. VS Media's Human Resource Department partners with employees to ensure adherence to company rules and state laws. A health benefits package along with 401K matching programs are also available to full time employees after a 90-day probationary period. Recent changes to vacation day accrual, plus a two-week holiday break, improves upon a generous allotment of paid time off for all qualifying employees.
Whether it be in Software Development, Marketing, Creative, IT, Customers Acquisition, Front-End Development, or Customer Support you will find opportunity and a path to career growth at VS Media.
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Modern Design
Designing for the Future
Live-streamed video chat requires certain key elements to be successful. High quality sound and picture, and ease of use. VS Media takes pride in creating an exceptional streaming environment by adding a fantastic sense of immersion, high levels of interactivity, and fun to our unique twist on this formula. As fewer people are glued to stationary points throughout their day, we've brought the demands of mobile interaction to the forefront in our redesigned platform.
Whether you are flirting with that special someone on the other side of the planet or having a heart-to- heart with a brand new friend, users will find our new web-based and mobile networks, deep, intuitive, entertaining and of the highest possible quality.